Horizon Europe: Event Launch
The European Commission and the Portuguese presidency of the EU Council will host the launch event for Horizon Europe on 2 February 2021. The event brings together speakers from all over Europe and includes interventions by researchers, business leaders and political and governmental officials with the aim of mobilizing the whole Europe for the “Horizon Europe, 2021-27” programme and its articulation with national programmes of recovery and resilience, in preparation under the “Next Generation EU, 2021-27” programme.
During the event, ideas for promoting the double green and digital transition across Europe will be particularly presented and discussed, in association with a resilient recovery through a renewed European Research Area – ERA.
The “Background Note” addresses the critical issues facing this process and the promotion of R&D activity in Europe today, including the need to increase public and private investment in R&D, particularly in the context of the recent reaffirmation by the European Commission of the 3% target of R&D investment in terms of gross domestic product, by 2030.
The link for the streaming will soon be available.
What is Horizon Europe?
The new European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe is the EU’s most ambitious R&I framework programme ever and the largest transnational programme of its kind worldwide, with its 95.4 billion euro budget. This innovative programme provides new instruments, such as the European Innovation Council, Research Missions and Partnerships to boost the EU R&I landscape. It establishes a target of at least 35% of expenditure for climate objectives as well as reinforces the EU’s commitment to facilitate R&I collaborative links in Europe and sets up a broader policy for the association of third countries to the programme in order to increase global R&I cooperation.
Strategic Planning
Following a political agreement on large parts of the draft legislation in spring 2019, the Commission, together with the Member States and all concerned stakeholders, launched a co-design process to prepare for the first work programmes and calls for proposals. Part of this preparation concerns the definition of the desired impacts and funding priorities, in pursuit of the programme’s ambitious objectives, through the process of strategic planning. A second part concerns the Implementation Strategy. This Strategy focuses on how the new programme will achieve those objectives in practice. It will provide the framework for carefully designed rules and efficient processes, across the entire programme and project life cycle, allowing the programme to deliver its impacts in a way that is as efficient and user-friendly as possible.
More information on Horizon Europe is available on https://ec.europa.eu/info/horizon-europe_en.