Conference invitation: Smart intellectual property for a competitive Europe
The European Commission, the European Committee of the Regions and Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the EU are organising a conference “Innovative, Collaborative, Regional: smart intellectual property for a competitive Europe”, taking place in Brussels on 14 November 2019 between 9.00 – 18.00.
This conference will explore how the EU and its regions can assist SMEs in becoming more competitive and grow through the smart use of IP. A good business environment for SMEs supporting innovation and protecting intellectual property (IP) is a decisive success factor for growth and jobs in Europe.
At the event, you will have a chance to listen to intellectual property (IP) professionals and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that will share their experience and knowledge.
The conference features opening speeches by Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the Committee of the Regions, Timo Pesonen, Director-General of the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, and a representative from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. Markus Beyrer, Chairman of Business Europe will give the keynote speech and there will be 6 panel discussions on the topics of:
- Overview of IP challenges
- IP challenges from personal experience
- Finding your way to IP advice
- How to use IP strategically
- Using IP to access growth funding
- IP in partnerships for innovation and business growth.
You can access the full agenda and register here.