Workshop “A robust innovation ecosystem for the future of Europe”
The Innovation Ecosystems unit of the European Innovation Council (EIC) Task Force of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation hosted a participatory workshop entitled ‘A robust innovation ecosystem for the future of Europe‘ dedicated to regions’ on 25 November 2019. The workshop is co-organized with Startup Europe Regions Network (SERN), the European Regions Research & Innovation Network (ERRIN) and the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA).
The objective of the workshop was to understand the challenges, needs and priorities, explore best practices and initiatives that the regions implement or plan to implement, and to gather suggestions as to how European Innovation Ecosystem under Pillar III of the Horizon Europe (HEU) can help them within its mandate as set out in HEU legal base, including through the EIC Forum.
The participatory workshop opened with a general framing of political context and definition of the Commission goals concerning the innovation ecosystems, followed by two parts:
- participatory sessions dedicated to challenges and opportunities for the future;
- short presentations/pitches showcasing good examples of interlinking ecosystems across Europe.
The outcome of the workshop will be summarized in a short paper, which will be used in the further development of this initiative. All the participants at the workshop will be explicitly mentioned as contributors. More information on this action will soon be available.