Call for proposals: Urban Innovative Actions
Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is an initiative of the EU that provides urban areas in Europe with resources to test new solutions for addressing urban challenges. The initiative has a total budget of €372 million for 2014-2020 from the European Regional Development Fund. The next open call is launching in September and is the last planned Call in the current programming period.
UIA offers urban authorities the possibility to take a risk and try out the most innovative and creative solution as they need to be bold to tackle the increasingly complex challenges they face.
Urban authorities located within EU with a population of at least 50 000 inhabitants are eligible for obtaining support from UIA. Given the complexity of the urban challenges, they can’t act alone. In order to design and implement effective and innovative solutions, urban authorities need to involve key stakeholders that can bring expertise and knowledge to address the specific policy issue.
What support does Urban Innovative Actions offer
Firstly, UIA can co-finance 80% of your project’s activities. In total, UIA can provide up to €5 million from the European Regional Development Fund to implement your innovative project.
Secondly, UIA wants to share the knowledge about what worked in the implementation of your project with other urban policy-makers and practitioners across Europe.
What projects does UIA fund
UIA funds projects that are…
Innovative – don’t be afraid to propose a creative and bold project that would be the first one of its kind in Europe!
Participative – involve the key stakeholders to bring their expertise and knowledge to your project!
Good quality – be realistic and define coherent activities and effective management!
Measurable – define clear results that can be measured and quantified!
Transferable – try to address an urban challenge that can be relevant to other urban authorities in Europe!
SERN can support members to coordinate activities in this programme, feel free to get in touch if you would like to know more.