Boosting regions as centres of innovation for a competitive industrial sector in Europe
Local and regional politicians adopted recommendations for “Boosting regions as centres of innovation for a competitive industrial sector in Europe” on 23 March in Brussels.
The opinion drawn up by Heinz Lehmann (DE/EPP) highlights the potential of cities and regions to serve as hubs for innovation and so support Europe’s global industrial competitiveness. Given the centrality of regions and regional ecosystems to industrial modernisation and innovation, the rapporteur calls for the EU’s strategy to have a strong regional dimension. In a rapidly changing world, the aim of an EU industrial policy strategy at European level is to respond to current and future challenges and opportunities in order to enhance the competitiveness of European industry. Cities and regions have an important part to play in supporting industry’s capacity for change and innovation to make it fit for the digital age.
You can find the draft opinion on “A European strategy for industry: the role and perspective of regional and local authorities” here.