Green infrastructures in regions and cities benefit from EU funding
Preserving Europe’s natural capital and restoring nature to urban environment using green infrastructures can improve citizens’ wellbeing and health, help adapting to the climate change and reduce the risk of natural disasters such as flooding in regions and cities of Europe. Nature based solutions are also essential to implementing EU’s nature directives. On 29 May, various EU regions and cities that showcased their solutions in the context of the Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP) highlighted the importance of solid EU funding and cross-border cooperation.
The Knowledge Exchange Platform is a concept jointly developed by the European Committee of the Regions and DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission. It is aimed at presenting new R&I solutions, innovative products and best practices in response to societal challenges facing the regions and cities of Europe. In 2018, the KEP is addressing the themes of Nature based solutions and Cultural heritage.
Nature-based solutions for urban regeneration and climate and water resilience have been funded with over 130 million euros from the Horizon 2020 programme in 2016-2017. The benefits are multiple: for example, green roofs are not only attractive but boost biodiversity and improve isolation. More initiatives funded by EU’s LIFE+ or Horizon 2020 programmes here.