BOWI Widening Call for Developing Hubs
Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs (BOWI) is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union. The project aims to support DIHs, SMEs, and Midcaps by facilitating the access and uptake of SAE and I4MS technologies. During the project duration three open calls will be launched:
- Open Call 1: Experiments involving SMEs and Midcaps from 6 European regions.
- Open Call 2: Developing hub selection in regions where I4MS and SAE technologies are underrepresented. (NOW OPEN)
- Open Call 3: Experiments involving SMEs and Midcaps from the regions of the proto-hubs selected in call 2.
BOWI Widening Call for Developing Hubs
BOWI widening call aims to select 9 developing hubs to activate cross-border technology transfer programmes together with mature DIHs. The BOWI Network of Mature Hubs will consist of the mature hubs already part of the consortium and hubs well-established and highly experienced in I4MS and SAE technologies which will be selected via the Open Call for Mature DIHs to become part of BOWI network.
What are the benefits?
It is planned to provide up to €100k per experiment for 9 developing hubs from the selected regions (see regions eligible for participation) to activate cross-border technology transfer programmes together with mature DIHs. The selected developing hubs will become part of a 21-month support programme grouped in two stages:
- Stage 1 BOWI Node activation: with a duration of 11 months, the first 4 months are dedicated to activating the developing followed by 7 months to prepare the Open Call 3
- Stage 2 Regional BOWI Nodes: with a duration of 10 months will start after the completion of stage 1 and after the experiments are selected in BOWI 3rd Open Call for Experiments.
Additionally, the selected developing hubs will receive:
- Mentoring programme
- Access to a network of international experts;
- Access to facilities and infrastructure;
- Media Exposure.
Who can participate?
Only Legal persons representing hubs´ (coordinator) established in the regions listed below will be eligible for funding.
Before applying, make sure to read the Guide for Applicants and see the Frequently Asked Questions FAQ.